Do you know how to clean your Scentsy Dishes out?

These are my Gross, caked on Wax Scentsy dishes. I know. I’m a Scentsy Consultant who should have the best looking Warmer Dishes around right?

Well, I think that I use our warmers so much that sometimes I just do a quick wipe with a napkin or paper towel but don’t go in for the deep clean as often as I should.

So today, I was going to change out my wax in our 5 downstairs warmers and THIS is what my Scentsy Dishes look like. I decided that I would take a little time and clean these bad boys up.

How to Clean your Scentsy Dishes

The first thing I did was pour out all the wax (they were filled with the day priors melted wax) into the garbage and wiped them out vigorously with a Paper Towel. Then, I took a butter knife and scraped the dishes nicely but vigorously to get any excess wax off the dishes.

Next Step, I took our Scentsy Counter Clean Spray

Scentsy Counter Clean

I love Scentsy Counter Clean. I use it to clean everything except for Mirrors. For real. I use it to clean bathrooms, bathtubs, sinks, tables, chairs, upholstery, carpet stains, floors, my oven and stove inside and out – and more!

Anywho, I have discovered that it’s also great to use for cleaning our Scentsy Dishes for our Warmers.

I generously squirted Counter Clean into each of the dishes and let them sit for 10-20 minutes.

Scentsy Counter Clean

Then, I got to scrubbing. I jused a Scrubbing Sponge and got to work. The darker dishes were easy to clean out. The darker gooey-er ones – took some more elbow grease for sure.

Next step, Washing the dishes in hot water with the sponge.

You want to make sure to get all of the Cleaner off of the Scentsy Dishes and you can get any left over bits off. The hot water warms up the dish and the wax.

This was the finished results. WOWZA! Sparkling clean and ready for more wax.

Clean Scentsy Dish